Attention Successful, Driven Women Entrepreneurs

Are you over fifty, fabulous … and NOT financially free?

Here’s where you figure out what’s keeping you from the retirement of your dreams

If you’ve been successful in your own business,
but have little to show for it in your Roth IRAs
and other retirement accounts ...

If you know what you need to do,
but for some reason resist doing it …
If you wake up in a cold sweat at 2 a.m.
and ask yourself how you’ll ever finance
the rest of your life without working forever …

Sign up for a FREE laser-focused strategy session:


Together we’ll uncover which of the three critical areas of money are holding you back from making and saving the funds you need to retire … on your own terms.  Whatever that looks like.


To book a session with me, write your full name and email address in the boxes to the right, and click “Let’s Schedule Time Together.”


Over 50 Financial Freedom Assessment

15 minutes to discover Half a Million Dollars you didn’t know you had in you!